Thursday, May 15, 2008

Little Miss Zuzu

If you know her then she needs no introduction. If you don't know her you really must meet her. You will never be the same. Here she is over the last few months....ELOISE. She talks, she prays, she screams, she squeals, she expresses, she pleads, she jokes, she demands, she whimpers, she whines, she laughs, she reasons, she negates, she exhorts, she says please and thank you BUT half the time I STILL don't exactly what it is she's saying.

These Old Stone Walls

Getting a PhD is very serious business.

In other news

Steve got his PhD and a job at UC Berkeley. We will be heading out in June to the East Bay. Apparently I am really emotional about it because I can't think of a thing to say. Not a common occurrence, I can assure you. We will miss all of the friends and faces of North Carolina.

Every Year Wether I Need to or Not

It is that time again when I post a year's worth of pictures to get you all up to speed. The last year has been so full. Of course the biggest event of the last year is that Oliver Leon Vaisey was born on September 23 2007. After a pregnancy fraught with (unecessary?) worry he came into the world without much effort or complication. He was born in the same room as Milo and Eloise were and when he came out Steve and I laughed that the birth was over so soon. He has since given us so much cause to smile and laugh. Here is a little collage of Oliver from birth until now.